About Mykines / Um Mykines

  • Mykines is the westernmost of the 18 islands combined as the Faroe Islands.

  • On Mykines there is only one village, it has the same name and is therefore also called Mykines.

  • The population of the island is 11 people, yet there are more than 40 houses.

  • There are no cars or grocery stores, therefore the residents depend on the helicopter, which flies all year round, to bring out provisions. During the summer season the ferry sails out twice a day.

  • The population increases drastically during the summer, when people from around the islands, along with visitors, come to Mykines to enjoy summer.

  • Mykines is filled with stunning sights, unspoiled nature and rich birdlife. With thousands of Puffins, Guillemots, Razorbills, Kittiwakes, Gannets, Fulmars and many more, Mykines is a sacred place that we must remember to respect.


  • Mykines er vestasta oyggj í Føroyum.

  • Í Mykinesi er bert ein bygd, og hon eitur eisini Mykines.

  • Tað eru fleiri enn 40 hús í Mykinesi, men bert 11 íbúgvar.

  • Tað er ongin handil ella bilur í Mykinesi, tí brúka íbúgvar tyrluna at flúgva vøru út um veturin, og um summarið er møguligt at brúka bæði bát og tyrlu.

  • Talið av fólkum í Mykinesi hækkar stórliga um summarið, tá ið fólk úr øllum Føroyum og aðrastaðni runt heimin, leita sær til Mykinesar.

  • Mykines hevur flotta náttúru, ríkt djóralív, serliga fuglalív við túsundtals lundum, súlum, álkum, ritum og øðrum. Mykines er av tí sama eisini ein gimsteinur, sum vit mugu fara væl um og virða.